About Us

BREAKING CYCLES AFRICA FOUNDATION is a not for-profit and non-political organization registered in Nigeria and s established in 2021.It is an NGO that focuses on the follow areas of development
• Education • Nutrition
• Agriculture • Renewable Energy
• Technology

Our Vison

“Creating pathways for growth for the young Nigerian.”

Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy in life is that every one deserve the opportunity to be part of the changing world. We believed that education of  vulnerable chidden  and less privilege’s in our society can make allot of changes in peoples life, by helping them understand the Generational Principles that Govern our Changing world, which can help them break the cycle of poverty in their communities, creating new pathways for growth beyond the rhetoric of crime.

Our Objectives

To engage in activities which would lead to breaking cycles of poverty in all areas of life in rural or semi-rural communities.

i. To introduce, promote, emphasize practices, materials, and products that would encourage people to inculcate sustainable living habits.

v. To provide trainings and/or organize seminars on how to be financially independent.

ix. To support community-led initiatives with focus on using sustainable technologies to enhance development.

ii. To promote practices that would be environmentally friendly among people in the rural communities and urban areas.

vi. To empower the less privileged in the Nigerian society.

x. To identify orphanage homes and disabled schools who may need one form of support or the other which can be provided by the Foundation.

iii. To promote and encourage people to go into Agricultural practices for sustainability and growth of their economic well being.

vii. To provide palliative measures to those battling poverty amongst vulnerable people.

xi. Provide any other kind of support to humanity from time to time, provided such assistance falls within the financial capacity of the Foundation.

iv. To provide a holistic transformation of young people and disadvantaged communities by offering training, empowerment and exposure to life-changing innovations.

viii. To mobilize resources and establish educational opportunities for vulnerable children.